来自基准方中的 "Made in Germany"

JZFZ | Advanced Design Group

Advanced Design Group(以下简称ADG)设计工作室隶属于基准方中(集团)创新业务孵化中心,专注于精品建筑设计。在积极应对客户需求的基础上,提供前瞻性创意设计,把控方案落地性,通过建筑创意带给城市生活新的启发。

The Advanced Design Group (ADG) is affiliated to the Innovation Business Incubation Center of JZFZ Architectural Design, focusing on the boutique architectural design sector. ADG provides forward-looking creative design on the basis of actively dealing with customer needs and will give fresh inspirations to city life through realizing high quality architecture projects.


正在接受采访的ADG创始人 Alexander Glaser ©JZFZ DESIGN

Alexander Glaser

2010-2018 德国 Prespace 建筑事务所创始人/合伙人

2006-2009 德国法兰克福 Franken 建筑事务所主持建筑师/艺术总监

2004-2006 葡萄牙科英布拉 Joao Mendes Riberio 建筑事务所项目经理

2004 毕业于德国魏玛包豪斯大学建筑设计专业

ADG 设计工作室

ADG (Advanced Design Group)

1. 为什么创建ADG设计工作室?您的愿景是什么?

Why did you found ADG ? What are your prospects towards them?


Our main intention for founding ADG is that we want to deliver outstanding architecture projects with a focus on very good design. To achieve this, we chose to work in a group of highly motivated and capable people and our unique work method.I expect from our work, that we can deliver new and innovative designs and we are optimistic that the market will value our approach.

首钢鼎业空港公园商业 © JZFZ ADG

包豪斯 - 继承与创新

bauhaus - Inheritance and Innovation


To be at the top of our time we can follow the tradition of creating innovations.

2. 您在包豪斯毕业,是否有从德国历史上的大师们(申克尔、密斯、格罗庇乌斯、夏隆、瓦赫斯曼等等) 身上获得灵感或汲取设计的原型?

You graduated from Bauhaus University Weimar,did the historic German masters like Schinkel, Mies van der Rohe, Gropius, Scharoun or Wachsmann provide inspirations for you?

1919 - 1933年著名的包豪斯运动对20世纪的艺术、设计和建筑产生了极大的影响,至今仍是当代设计领域的推动力量。在魏玛包豪斯大学期间,我们当然也要研究这些。我认为,时至今日,我们仍然延续运用了包豪斯运动跨学科和实验性的哲学。

The famous bauhaus movement from 1919 to 1933 created the biggest impact on art, design and architecture in the 20th