
西咸新区崇文泾河生态餐厅及酒店/ Plasma Studio +PMA设计事务所

XiXian New Area Chongwen Jing River Eco-Restaurant and Hotel/ Plasma Studio+PMA (PolyMorphArchitects)


Xi'an Eco-Park is part of the ecological park located in the Chongwen Jing River region of Xixian New Area. The project includes an eco-restaurant and a design hotel, acting as a focal and start-up point within the landscape. Based on the integrity of the design and the compatibility with the surrounding environment, we waving the architecture and landscape together, a spatial twist and the mutual transformation between architectural and landscape become the main design concept. To achieve this symbiotic relationship, our main concern was to develop a language compatible with the landscape, such that the architectural event takes place as a consolidation or intensification of a (various) moment(s) within the park.

项目与周边环境关系 Relationship between the project and surrounding environment © 夏至

顶视图 Top view © 夏至

鸟瞰视角 Aerial view © 夏至


The design, hence, is triggered by the desire of building, a dialogue between the landscape and its architecture, and an exchange that can build local specificity generating a sense of strong identity. Such identity, however, instead of relying on iconoclastic imaginary, finds its articulation in its placing within the site, stretching its boundaries onto the ground and producing a woven linkage with the landscape through elongated transitions – both spatial and functionally, it (re)defines its context and creates a new environment.

屋顶视角看建筑景观间相互转化交织 Woven linkage and mutual transformation between architecture and landscape from the roof view © 夏至


Through the thinking of the integration and landmark of the buildings, the site information and the target benefit are organized organically, so that the design itself skillfully transforms back and forward in the dialogue between the landscape and the architecture, and then produces a compound product that transforms mutually in space and function, giving the site a new feature.

从主入口看向建筑View from the main entrance © 夏至

建筑断崖式收尾Dramatically cliff ending of the building © 夏至


Accompanied by its own vegetable and fruit planting park as well as butterfly greenhouse, the restaurant has the same concept orientation as the whole park, focusing on ecological simple meals and emphasizing the production and processing of Xi'an's local ingredients. The experience offered to dinners includes picking their own vegetables and following its cooking process. In addition to the dining experience, the project proposes some auxiliary activities such as a ch