
期待已久的2019UIA-霍普杯国际大学生建筑设计竞赛题目新鲜出炉啦!Miralles Tagliabue EMBT创始人普利兹克奖评委会成员贝娜蒂塔·塔格利亚布担任本次竞赛主席并拟定题目


Architects can change people’s environment and influence their future in a positive way. They can create "happy spaces" that contribute to people’s well-being. Inserting a building in a nice environment makes this goal easier. When the building is linked to its surroundings,when the limits are blurred with the construction, all of the positive elements of the site can contribute to create this good feeling inside. But the real defy is how to do the opposite, how to influence in a positive way the surroundings through out the architecture?
