
胡同里的镜面院子-宝钞胡同隐院/ DAGA大观建筑

The Mirror Courtyard in the Hutong- Baochao Hutong Invisible Yard / DAGA Architects

被消隐的记忆 Disappeared memory


The hutong in Beijing is not only a lifestyle but also the memory of many people's childhood. With the process of modernization and urbanization, many people have moved out of the hutong, but the feelings of hutong life remain in one’s memory forever.


Time has left the mark on buildings, old houses, rotten pillars, and overgrown yards. Hutong's lifestyle has been "passively" disappeared in the process of urban development. This kind of passivity leads to the disorder of people's memory, as if childhood memories are still yesterday, but today they are already living in modern buildings, and the estrangement between people and buildings is increasing. How to reappear this passive concealment, return history and beautiful memories, and combine the updated architecture with the natural environment to produce a dialogue between history and the present? It is a problem that we have been trying to explore at the beginning of the renovation of this hutong house.


Renovation is not the "maintenance" and "reproduction" of the old buildings, but to superimpose a new lifestyle with the old history and create a new contrast and integration.

▼施工过程 Construction process


The whole project has only 14 days of construction time, two weeks of time condensed the hard work of many people, the design is not only on paper, landing construction, is often more challenging than the design itself.

重现与再消隐 Reappear and disappear again


This small courtyard is the house where the owner lived with her grandparents when she was a child. Due to years of wandering, the house has been dilapidated, and all kinds of childhood memories have gone with it. Now she wants to move back to hutong. But the current situation of the house is no longer suitable for living. The purpose of this renovation is to create a living space suitable for the modern lifestyle for the client, and to awaken the life marks of those hutongs that have been disappeared.

▼入口与镜面院子 Entrance and the mirror courtyard

▼轴测图 Axonometric diagram

镜与万花筒 Mirror and kaleidoscope



a park 深圳数字艺术公园:一个有态度的公园




