UEDITOR 招募计划:成为我们的海外通讯员

UEDITOR 招募计划:成为我们的海外通讯员




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Responsibility: What do you need to do

l l在境外助力我们的国际比赛和活动推广(包括但不限于张贴海报,对接社团、学联等);Overseas promotion of international competitions/events?

l l报道当地有关建筑和设计的前沿思想和实践资讯;Report on the cutting-edge ideas and practices related to architecture and design in your country

l l负责当地国际大师的访谈和活动报告;Responsible for the international master interviews and project reports in your country

l l国际建筑/设计活动和展会一线报道;On-spot report of international architectural/design events and festivals

l l协助国际巡展、论坛、参观访问和其他活动;Assist with international tour exhibitions, forums, visits and other activities

Reward: What we can offer


A remote internshipa career springboardmultiple project experiencea platforma community


l l笔者的成长之路:你的高质量稿件将有机会刊登在UED的媒体平台上,这意味着20万读者将有机会阅读到你的作品; To be a writer: Your high-quality articles could be published on UED platform, which means more than 200 thousand readers will share your ideas?

l l和大师面对面:你将收到来自UED提供的采访机会,直接访谈大师和行业佼佼者; To be an interviewer: Interview outstanding designers in your host country in person with the confirmation and support from UED

l l一线报道机会:你将作为UED的驻外记者,报道第一手行业信息; To be a journalist: Acting as UED overseas journalist, and report on first-hand industry information

l l推荐信助力你的未来求职:我们很乐意为你提供推荐信和相关证书,或在你的领英页面留下你的工作评价; Recommendation letter and related certificates, and we are also happy to write a job evaluation for you on LinkedIn

l l有机会获得UED的周边文创商品 (仅支持大陆地址寄送 ); Opportunity to obtain souvenirs from UED  (Mainland China address only )

l l有机会获得免费的UED双月刊杂志(仅支持大陆地址寄送); Opportunity to obtain free UED magazines (Mainland China address only )

Requirement: What are our expectations of you

* you only need to meet one of the following requirements

l l境外建筑及相关专业学生、教师、建筑师及相关从业者; Overseas (including HK/MA/TW) students, teachers, architects and related practitioners in architecture and related majors ;

l l现居长居境外(含港澳台),热爱建筑及建筑传媒; Currently living abroad (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), passionate about architecture and architecture media

l l热爱设计、关注建筑相关行业资讯、热爱写作的双语写手; Bilingual writer who loves design. Follow up construction-related industry information

如有任何问题欢迎联系If you have any question, please contact


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