Jaeger Kahlen Partner 耶格卡恩荣获宝安湾区产业投资大厦国际竞赛并列一等奖

Jaeger Kahlen Partner耶格卡恩是中国深圳宝安湾区产业投资大厦国际竞赛的并列第一名。此办公建筑是一组变化的体量,将塔楼分割成一系列层叠的城市聚落。该设计在深圳提供了独特的地标性办公体验,带来最先进智能的工作环境,并通过绿带步行系统和新的公交总站加强与周边城市设计关系。

Jaeger Kahlen Partner is one of the joint winners at the international competition for Bao’An Bay Industrial Investment Tower in Shenzhen, China. The office building is a set of shifting volumes that break the tower into a series of terraced stacked urban blocks. The design offers a distinctive landmark office experience in Shenzhen that provides state-of-the-art work environments and enhances the surrounding urban fabric with pedestrian green spaces and a new bus terminal.


The tower is located in a quickly developing neighborhood that boasts quick access to Shenzhen Bao’An International Airport and the cities along the Pearl River Delta. Because of its convenient location, there was ample demand for new office space but an airport-imposed height restriction of 150 meters. Responding to this unique constraint, the design breaks the monolithic building mass into a series of several smaller volumes that shift in and out to integrate better the tower into the scale of the site surroundings. These shifting volumes lend the tower a visual lightness—the building unfolds in a cascade of terraces and cantilevers that create a rich dialogue with the neighboring buildings.


Each of these smaller urban blocks becomes its own self-contained urban neighborhood. The floors of each building volume are connected by spiral staircases, forming vertically cohesive work environments that foster collaboration and enhance productivity. The staircases are set in soaring atria carved out from the floorplates. The full-height atria visually interconnect each floor of the urban village and overlook landscaped terraces, offering signature gathering places that dissolve the distinction between interior and exterior.


These atria form the social heart of the villages. Acting as urban living rooms, they boost morale and productivity by breaking down what would be large and impersonal office building into smaller, cohesive communities where collaboration and creative thought flourish. Flooded by natural light from the terraces and framing unique vantages of the surrounding city and landscape, the atria are social hubs where all tenants can come to relax, talk with one another, or collaborate informally. They open directly onto the terraces, where sky gardens invite employees to stroll and take a break from the stress of work.

通过将办公楼的首层大堂抬升至二楼,并将一楼的裙楼深嵌基地,此设计在南侧创造了一个开放式大型公共广场,广场上方建筑悬挑。广场与海秀路毗邻的公共空间和公园相连,成为通往宝安湾区海岸线的连续绿道的一部分。在一楼北侧,一个3000平方米的公共汽车总站被并入裙楼 。该公交总站将成为宝安区的关键交通走廊——裕安一路的重要枢纽。
