2019设计北京 DesignBeijing 2019


Design Beijing 2019 is ready to welcome you at the Beijing National Agricultural Exhibition Center from April 30th to May 3rd. Always retaining the themes of Art, Design, and Life at its core, Design Beijing keeps exploring the possibilities offered by these three subjects, and challenges the boundaries between them to bring art and design back to life.


The theme of the 5th Design Beijing, “Design for Yourself,” focuses on one’s self-worth, and uses this opportunity to reveal more excellent design ideas that suit the needs of China’s general public.

“予”是传递关怀、予以期待,“己”是自我觉醒、自我表达。 设计自诞生伊始便不断探索材料与技术间的应用关系,将物质供给视作原动力。随着科技与资本的不断介入,设计产业同样风起云涌,终端用户得到充分尊重,精神需求跨越物质满足。在主动选择产品的过程中,人人都可自由挑选合适的设计而非被动接纳,不断升级的消费本质上是一种自我意识的表达。

“For” conveys the ideas of care and expectation, while “self” means self-awareness and self-expression. Design, since its inception, has continuously been exploring the practical relationship between materials and technology, regarding material supply as its driving force. However, in an era so influenced by capitalization and ever-changing technologies, the design industry is facing and overcoming new challenges, not only meeting consumers’demand and providing material satisfaction, but surpassing it by tending to their spiritual needs as well. Consumers are now active participants in the process of selecting a product, and thus have the opportunity to choose a suitable design instead of accepting one passively. The escalating consumption here is essentially an expression of self-awareness.


There will be 56 brands, 9 special projects and 8 woderful forums presented on 2019 DesignBeijing. We focuses on presenting the creativity of modern design through all aspects of daily life, from fashion and cuisine to living environment and transportation. As art and the design market is curently undergoing a period of profound change, Design Beijing constantly adjusts it’s plan and format, seeking to define itself between art and design, presenting the largest and most content-oriented exhibition in early summer of Beijing.

特别项目一:s1-s4 | D’strict- Live Façade

韩国知名数字艺术公司D’strict致力于科技与艺术的结合在一号馆的八角亭内带来3D多媒体秀场—Live Façade。寻觅丢失的灵魂为设计主题用视频艺术呈现出一个充满视觉冲击力的现场给观众带来更多的感官体验打造梦幻空间重新诠释科技与设计之间的无限可能

特别项目二:s5.1-s5.4 |

非物质文化遗产项目传承人杨金荣先生带来了中国传统家具-圈椅于此同时上座呈现了四位日本家具设计大师的椅子,Cappellini展出了著名的著名S为了缅怀意大利国宝级设计师门迪尼先生设计北京为他设立了回顾展呈现他的代表作品-普鲁斯特扶手椅并与Atelier Mendini公司合作揭秘了他生前的设计手稿